Many will remember the stately and beautiful Post Office which Calais was graced for most of the 20th century. It is seen above in 1909 in the final stages of construction. The Post Office became the centerpiece of a thriving … Continue reading
Tag Archives: history
Attached below is a 1907 article from Harper’s magazine titled “The Cruise of the Caribbee” written by Thomas Briggs of Robbinston. Don’t let the term “cruise” fool you- this was no island hopping vacation in the islands and while a lot of … Continue reading
We found a 1900 article from the Eastport Sentinel in our files the other day describing a confrontation between a streetcar and a horse on Hinckley Hill. The winner was – well, you know the answer already, and we’ll provide details later – but … Continue reading
We were asked this week to provide some information to Lura Jackson, editor of the Calais Advertiser, about immigrants to the St. Croix Valley in days past. She is writing an article for this week’s paper. While doing some research … Continue reading
The tradition of sending Christmas cards began in the early 1840’s in England. The “Penny Post” system was instituted in England in 1840 and sending letters to friends and family became cheap and popular- so popular in fact that during … Continue reading
In 1957 the world seemed as close as it had ever been to the unimaginable, a nuclear war between the US and the USSR. The British had become the third nation to joined the nuclear club and relations between East … Continue reading
Other than March 26, 1926 when the first lip-reading competition was held in the United States, September 15, 1926 when an assassin fired three shots at Mussolini from close range managing only hit his nose and September 20, 1926 when Bugsy Moran … Continue reading
For those of us born after World War Two the image of the post war years can best be summed up by the iconic photo of the “Kiss” in Times Square, the return of millions GI’s and by the fall … Continue reading
Above is a copy of a 1945 V letter we recently received from Betsy Walker, the granddaughter of Betsy Higgins Gepte. Betsy Gepte had recently arrived in San Francisco after her release from the Japanese internment camp at Santo Tomas … Continue reading
Many people spent the first few months of 1910 resignedly waiting to die along with the rest of humanity when Haley’s comet returned from its 76 year journey through the universe.The comet had been here many times before and astronomers … Continue reading